Friday, December 17, 2021

Best Practices for Snow and Ice Removal on Parking Structures

parking structure inspection

Do you maintain a parking structure or parking garage at your facility?

When winter hits, are you truly prepared to take care of the snow and ice buildup?

Before the snow hits, there are some items to add to your to-do list that will make snow clearing easier and will help ensure you avoid costly repairs when the snow finally melts.

  1. Don’t use metal or steel snowplow blades in the garage! Use urethane or heavy rubber edges.

  2. Only use de-icing agents that are parking garage-friendly! Sodium acetate, potassium acetate, and calcium magnesium acetate are good to use in advance of snowfall. Avoid sodium chloride (rock salt), calcium chloride, and ammonium nitrate in a garage as these accelerate corrosion of reinforcing!

Visit our website to read the entire list, and learn more about parking structure inspection!

Innovative Engineering Specializes in Parking Structure Inspection

Innovative Engineering has been helping owners with parking structure inspection since 1995. Unlike most other building systems that are protected by a conditioned building envelope, parking structures are directly exposed to the elements which results in exponential or accelerated deterioration. Therefore, early and inexpensive parking garage restoration practices produce a ROI much higher than that of other building systems

Our engineers are glad to walk your facility and let you know of any conditions that require immediate attention and what maintenance activities you can perform now to extend the life of your facility. Since the back of IEI business cards contain a crack gauge, you can easily evaluate any cracks within your structure to determine if it is of concern. Give us a call today!

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Prep Your Parking Structure for Snow and Ice

parking structure inspection

Is your parking structure properly prepped for any inclement weather?

Have you noticed in between snow clearings that your parking structure is starting to show spalls or leaks?

Before the snow hits, there are some items to add to your to-do list that will help ensure you avoid costly repairs when the snow finally melts.

Visit our website to read the full article about winter parking structure inspection!

Innovative Engineering Specializes in Parking Structure Inspection

Innovative Engineering has been helping owners with parking structure inspection since 1995. Unlike most other building systems that are protected by a conditioned building envelope, parking structures are directly exposed to the elements which results in exponential or accelerated deterioration.

Therefore, early and inexpensive parking garage restoration practices produce a ROI much higher than that of other building systems

Our engineers are glad to walk your facility and let you know of any conditions that require immediate attention and what maintenance activities you can perform now to extend the life of your facility. Since the back of IEI business cards contain a crack gauge, you can easily evaluate any cracks within your structure to determine if it is of concern. Give us a call today!

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