Monday, April 17, 2023

Why Regular Roof Inspection is So Important

roof inspection
Repairs to an extensively damaged roof can be quite costly. This cost is highlighted further when compared against that of a regular inspection. You can save money in the long run by performing thorough and regular inspections of your roof and make small repairs, rather than waiting until the damage has worsened requiring larger repairs.

Neglect tends to be the most common cause of roof failure, as most significant problems can be prevented. It is easy to assume that a roof is invincible, but unfortunately that is not the case, as they are prone to many issues such as ponding water, debris accumulation, exposure, and cracking and personnel damage.

Other common issues include:

  • Organic growth: Weed and plant roots can actually penetrate into the roof, which can cause damage.
  • Heat absorption: Components of the roof that have absorbed water will cool off more slowly than dry components. This leads to dusk being the best time to thermally examine a roof, as the “hot spots” have not cooled down as much as other areas.
  • Ponding: The result of poor drainage, ponding is standing water that remains on a roof after 48 hours. The water can find its way into imperfections in the roof and degrades the materials. Ponding can also void your roofing warranty.
  • Parapets: Can be a problematic source of water intrusion particularly where the wall meets the roof. Materials that have been exposed to moisture, sunlight, and UV exposure can crack and split, allowing water an easy path into the inside of the building envelope.
  • Rusted supports: Can contribute to damage or falling pieces of your building envelope. Lightning strikes have been known to hit sensitive areas of a roof or facade and cause massive chunks to explode and fall to the ground below.

Read the full article about roof inspection on our website!

Use the IEI Advantage to Protect Your Roof

We recommend a roof inspection twice a year – primarily right before and after winter. However, if your roof is subject to severe weather such as a hailstorm or hurricane, it may be prudent to schedule an inspection to assess potential damage.

Contact us today!


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