Friday, October 20, 2023

The IEI Physical Security Advantage

More than 4,000 pedestrians, patrons, and employees are severely injured each year, and tragically preliminary data show as many as 500 deaths result from these largely preventable accidents.

Additionally, commercial buildings such as schools, hospitals, and office buildings have such a constant inflow of visitors that security requires more planning than ever.

physical security, blast design

How can you be sure that your employees, customers, and clients are protected?

Ensuring building security and complying with regulations is essential to making sure your assets are protected. A strong security system can help protect from theft, vandalism, and other types of damage. Many industries also have specific physical security requirements that must be met.

CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design)

 CPTED focuses on creating safe environments by using architectural design, lighting, and other factors to reduce criminal activity. The core principles of this approach are:

  1. Natural surveillance: Placing architectural features, activities, and people in spaces to maximize visibility. This includes landscaping in such a way that it reduces hiding places for intruders, and allows clear visibility through fences and windows.
  2. Natural access control: Having designated ingress and egress points, shaded areas near entrances that allow for more surveillance, and visible hallways and foyers are examples of natural access control.
  3. Territoriality: This tactic discourages crime by clearly marking the boundaries of an area, such as transitions between private, semi-private, and public areas, and signage that designates private vs. public spaces.
  4. Activity support: Discouraging actions such as loitering, and having a design layout that promotes an open field of view.
  5. Maintenance: Keeping up with broken windows, overgrown landscaping, inadequate fencing, and worn or malfunctioning locks.

Learn more about physical security engineering on our website!

The IEI Physical Security Advantage

IEI routinely conducts peer reviews of both structural and physical security designs on behalf of the federal government. Our expertise not only matches that of world-renowned experts in the physical security field, our extensive engineer of record experience brings a unique blend to the project team.
IEI takes a wholistic approach that includes all disciplines. We know what it takes to ensure the physical security requirements get incorporated into the construction documents regardless of discipline. Contact us today to find out how we can help you!

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